
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Double your pleasure, double your fun!

Hey everyone! Welcome to blog number TWO! Why am I creating another blog, you ask? First of all, blogging has become a new addiction of mine. It's kind of like picking up a really good reading series. You start reading a couple pages, wondering if it'll be worth your time. But then the next thing you know you've spent three hours curled up, soaking in every detail. You know you've got it really bad, when you miss a few meals, and don't even realize it. Then, you get to that heartbreaking end of the first book....rush for your keys and high tail it to Walmart to buy the second book. After a good solid three days, you've read four gigantic novels, and something terrible happens... you get to that last page. You start digging through the end of the book feeling helpless... jumping on the bed... with your hands in the air screaming, "Where did they go!! What happened!! But they were my friends!!!"  But time heals the sorrow, and after awhile you come across another time worthy series and start the process all over. Okay, maybe I exaggerated slightly and maybe blogging isn't quite as thrilling as a book series, but I do enjoy it. Anyways, the purpose of this blog is to stand as a personal blog, instead of a classroom one. I can't promise that I will keep it up, but it'll be fun to try!